Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A day in the life of Taya and Mommy

Here is a little peek of what Taya and I do, mostly while Daddy's at work

We play with Diaper boxes
We tickle the Ivory
We steal Mommy's phone and take random pictures with it...

We practice saying "Cheese"

We're getting better at it...

We do a quick stop to say hi while "dancing" (Taya's dancing: doing circles around the kitchen)

We play outside

We swing at the park!

We play with the dog

We go on drives in Daddy's truck (this one is usually on Sunday's and Daddy is usually with us)

We "Eat"

We pretend to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed

AND after all that... WE finally get tuckered out!
(and it's only nap time)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some Family + Temple Square=Love!

In December, Taya and I had the chance to go to Temple Square to see the lights with some of my family (Kenny had to work, BOO!) . It was a blast we drove down to Ogden and hopped on the train to SLC! When we arrived in Salt Lake the weather was beautiful, it was like 50* (shocking for Utah, a lot of us didn't even wear coats for most of the day). I don't think we could have picked a better day to go. Here's a few pictures to enjoy!

"I Love to see the Temple"

I love how the sun hit the Temple in this picture! Breathtaking!

It's going to sound funny considering Taya's not looking at the camera, but I really love this picture. We couldn't get her to look at the camera for anything. She just kept pointing and looking at the statue of Jesus and saying GG (that's how she say's his name). It hit a tender spot in my heart!

I tried to take pictures of the lights but my camera really sucks at night! This is about the only one that didn't turn out blurry. It's of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in the reflection pool in front of the Temple.

The trip was so much fun! I am so glad that I had the opportunity to go! It really put me in the Christmas spirit and was a great reminder of the true meaning of Christmas!